
An Observation: Jamming in the Car

Singing and dancing in your seat whilst in your car, we all do this, don’t we? I’ve always found it quite intriguing just how comfortable we can get when in our personal mode of transportation. It is almost as if the car acts like a personal bubble of space; as long as I remain in this said bubble, I can sing as loudly as I want and dance as much as I can (in a confined seat of course). This is quite hilarious, as your car is nothing more than a metal frame with windows that make up 50% of the entire vehicle.

Arms waving, shoulders shimming, you name it.  It’s reckless abandon when a good song comes onto the radio. No longer do you fear that your voice is not up to par. You’re proud of it, and have no shame. No proper dance moves? No problem, just wave those arms around to some sort of beat.

What are your thoughts?


Coughing Courtesy

I am a bit of a germaphobe and my number one pet peeve is when people cough or sneeze without covering their mouths. This has been an issue that has bothered me for years now, and it still boggles my mind why people do not practice polite coughing/sneezing etiquette. Especially when you’re in a crowded place or on public transit (those poles can get nasty!).

For the sake of those around you, please cough or sneeze into your elbow. Don’t cough into your hands and definitely, definitely, don’t cough into midair. Sure you may be healthy and have a harmless cough, but when in close proximity with others, we’ll appreciate a covered cough.

What are your pet peeves?


Beyond Traffic: Three Stats You Should Check Today

This was incredibly helpful, thank you!

WordPress.com News

When you hear “stats,” most bloggers think “traffic,” and that makes sense. Many of us care about the number of views our posts receive, and want to see them grow. Blogging is never solely about numbers, though — it’s about making your voice heard, fostering relationships with others, and building a sense of community.

Approaching these goals with a data-informed mindset can get you closer to achieving them. Here are three stats that can help you make smart decisions when it comes to planning your posts and finding and engaging your readers. Whether you blog from a computer, a tablet, or your phone, take a few seconds to explore these on your own blog’s Stats tab.

A quarterly review

When reviewing your stats, it’s tempting to focus on the here and now: how did I do today? How many views did yesterday’s post get overnight? Periodically, though, it’s wise to fight…

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Writing Communities Connect Bloggers Across WordPress.com

Thanks for this post! This is incredibly helpful for those of us who are just getting started or need some feedback.

WordPress.com News

We blog because we have something we want to express and we hope it will resonate with someone else. Blogging enables us to build powerful connections with people we might have never met otherwise.

There are lots of blogging communities and challenges aimed at fostering those relationships and inspiring more blogging. These three, all writing-focused, are building global networks of blogger-writers — maybe you’ll find a home in one!

Today’s Author

The mission of Today’s Author couldn’t be simpler, or more powerful: to foster a community of creative writers through a healthy and supportive environment.

write now

Today’s Author is an open, flexible community of writers focused on helping each other kick-start their pens (or keyboards). Their prompts work for a variety of bloggers, while their “Writers’ Circle” posts explore everything from what to do when inspiration dries up to strategies for editing your own work to how we incorporate our traditions and…

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